"About" me
Who am I? I started stand-up comedy at the age of 19 in Calgary, Alberta where I immediately discovered I’m hilarious and should audition for Humber College’s Comedy Writing and Performance program.(You know, to escape from Alberta to Toronto.) I was accepted, therefore, proving that I am, in fact, hilarious. I even won the Eugene Levy Comedy writing award for my 10 minute short play “All For Nothing”. After spending several years at late night open mics in Toronto, I decided to challenge myself to take my unique writing talents in order to turn them into reality using the art of film.

While attending film school, I (re)discovered the beauty in analog film and photography. Okay, that’s just the resume. I suppose now that I’m “such an enlightened being”, I would say I’m a non-binary Southern Sudanese American mother whose current hobby is attempting to get their sailing license in preparation for the end of the world. So I guess I would say I’m a humorist, lens based multidisciplinary artist, and a social media activist with pretty “hot fire”memes?

My Yuk Yuk's Showcase and Award winning 10min Play are floating around here...somewhere...